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Dondina Belletjes Muziekinstrument – 8 Kleuren Klokken voor Kinderen


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Dondina Belletjes Muziekinstrument – 8 Kleuren Klokken voor Kinderen

Musical instrument consisting of 8 bells in different colours anchored on a wooden stick. The different bells can be played very easily by gently pressing them. Each of the eight colours corresponds to a different note, making it the perfect instrument for working on the different notes at a musical level while simultaneously promoting colour recognition and motor skills. Quality wooden product with 8 nickel-plated bells. Dimensions: 58x13x14cm From 2 years onwards

Additional Information: Dondina Belletjes Muziekinstrument – 8 Kleuren Klokken voor Kinderen

Brand BlinQ
Age Age 2 year
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