Propriocetion Toys
Sensory Mirror Soft Play Set – Colorful and Creative – Educational Toy for Children, Suitable for Home and Professional Use, Ideal for Sensory Stimulation and Development
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Dondina Belletjes Muziekinstrument – 8 Kleuren Klokken voor Kinderen
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Roller Derby - (61133)
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Propriocetion toys
Stimuli from the environment by sensory cells are guided via the sensory nerves to the central nervous system. In response a command from motor nerves comes from the CNS to the muscles. Monitoring and control of the response of the muscle goes through sensory nerves feedback about the position of the muscle and surrounding parts of the musculoskeletal system to the central nervous system (proprioceptive stimuli). Another word for proprioception is also position sense. To get the idea, think of touching the tip of your nose with closed eyes.
Proprioceptive observation provides the child with information about their own body, Such as the position and movement of the limbs, joints and tendons, the feeling of 'heaviness' in some parts of the body and alertness or fatigue of the muscles.
Position sense toys are widely available and may well contribute to a good development.